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Your support and donations enable us to bring authors into the classroom to read with students, answer questions and ultimately provide each child with their own copy of the book for free!
The Books 4 Kids Program is a 501(c)3 non profit organization.
The Books 4 Kids team is small, but mighty thanks to our volunteers!
B4K Employees are:
Coleen Liebsch, Founder & CEO (Volunteer)
Thomas Liebsch, Treasurer (Volunteer)
Stacey Jensen, Grant Writer
Steve Donovan, Grant Writer
TJ Liebsch, Web Developer (Volunteer)
The Books 4 Kids Program began in 2015 with a children's book about empathy toward animals. Little did we know, it would be the launch of a whole new type of book fair.
Five years later that simple book has grown to a dozen titles by authors all over the world, and a program that has distributed over 40,000 books... and counting!
Building Children's Character Through Books, and Their Confidence Through Inclusion
The Books 4 Kids Program not only teaches children character-building lessons through books, they are demonstrated throughout our events.
From making sure every student is included equally to providing age-appropriate lessons, B4K's focus is always on the student.
Sign up to hear from us about events near you!